Friday 20 December 2019


Kwa miaka mingi sasa imekuwa ni kawaida kuwasikia waislamu wakifundisha jamii kuwa ‘Isa bin Maryam’ Kama Qurani inavyofundisha ndiye “Yesu Kristo”. Mafundisho haya hivi sasa yanaendeshwa kwa mtindo wa kulinganisha aya za Biblia na Qurani. Wahadhiri wa dini ya kiislam wanaendesha Mihadhara ambayo imeenea sana duniani na hasa zaidi katika nchi za Africa ya Mashariki na Kati (East and Central). Wahadhiri hao pia huchapisha vijarida na kurekodi kanda za audio na video, ambazo zimesababisha baadhi ya Wakristo waamini kuwa Isa Bin Maryamu ndiye Yesu Kristo. Swali la msingi kwa Wakristo wote; je, ni kweli kuwa Isa bin Maryamu ndiye Yesu Kristo? Nakusihi fuatilia somo hili.
1. Hoja zinazotumika na Waislamu kusema Isa ndiye Yesu
2. Je, mama wa Isa ndiye wa Yesu?
3. Maama ya jina Isa
4. Maama ya jina Yesu
5. Je, kuzaliwa kwa Yesu ni sawa na Isa?
6. Je, Isa bin Mariamu ni mwana wa Mungu?
7. Je, mamlaka ya Isa na Yesu ni sawa?
8. Ikiwa Yesu ndiye Isa je, Isa.
9. Ujue umuhimu wa kumwamini Bwana Yesu
1. Hoja zinazotumika na waislamu kusema Isa ndiye Yesu.
Quran 3:45 (Kumbukeni) waliposem malaika. ‘Ewe Maryamu Mwenyezi Mungu anakupa habari njema za (kumzaa moto bila mume bali hali kwa kutamka) Neno tu litokalo kwake (la kumwambia zaa ukazaa pasina kuingiliwa) jina lake ni Masihi Isa mwana Maryamu, mwenye hishima kaitka dunia na ahera na miongoni mwa waliopelekwa mbele na Mwenyezi Mungu.
Marko 6:3-4
Huyo si Yule seremala, mwana wa Mariamu na ndugu yao Yakobo, na Yose, na Yuda na Simoni? Na maumbu yake hawapo hapa petu? Wakajikwaa kwake. Yesu akawaambia ‘Nabii hakosi heshima, isipokuwa katika nchi yake mwenyewe, na kwa jamaa zake na nyumbani mwake.
Hapa Waislamu wanasema kana vile Qurani inavyofundisha jina la mama wa Isa ni Mariamu kadhalika Biblia inafundisha jina la mamake Yesu ni Mariamu. Hivyo wanasema kuwa Yesu ndiye Isa. Soma pia Mathayo 1: 18-21 na Yohana 2:1.
2. Hoja ya pili Isa ni Mtume wa Allah kwa Waisraeli
Qurani 4: 171: Enyi watu wa kitabu misipindukie mipaka katika dini yenu, wala msiseme juu ya Mwenyezi Mungu ila yaliyo kweli. Masihi Isa bin Maryamu ni Mtume waMwenyezi Mungu…
Hapa tunaona kuwa Qurani imemtaja Isa kuwa ni ntune, je, n=mtume kwa akina nani? Endelea kusoma aya hizi katika Qurani.
Qurani 61: 6 – Na (wakumbushe) aliposema (Nabii) Isa bin Maryamu (kuwaambia mayahudi) enyi wana wa Israili! Mimi ni mtume wa Mwenyezi Mungu kwenu. Nisadikishaye yaliyo kuwa kabla yangu kaitka Taurati. Na kutoa habari njema ya mtume atakeayewajia nyuma yangu ambaye jina lake litakuwa Ahmad…Soma pia katika Qurani 3: 49.
Ayah ii inathibitisha kuwa Isa ni mtume kwa Waisraeli. Je, Yesu ni mtume kwa akina nani? Waislamu wanaoendesha mihadhra pia husoma aya hizi za Biblia.
Waebrania 3:1- Kwa hiyo ndugu watakatifu wenye kuushiriki mwito wa mbinguni, mtakafarini sana mtume na kuhani mkuu wa maungamo yetu Yesu.
Mathayo 15:24 – Akajibu, akasema, ‘Sikutumwa ila kwa kondoo waliopotea wa nyumba ya Israeli’.
Kwa hivyo kama Qurani inavyofundisha kuwa Isa mwana wa Maryamu ni mtume kwa Waisreali ndivyo Biblia inafundisha kuwa Yesu ni mtume kwa waisraeli hivyo basi Isa ndiye Yesu. Hivi ndibyo wahadhiri wa dini ya Uislamu wanavyoifundisha jamii. Je, hoja hii ni sahihi nitajibu mbele:-
3. Hoja ya tatu
Isa bin Maryamu alifanya miujiza
Qurani 5: 110 (kumbukeni tena) mwenyezi Mungu atakaposema, Ewe Isa mwana wa Maryamu kumbukeni neema yangu juu ya mama yako. Nilipokusaidia kwa (kukupa kuwa na wewe) Roho takatifu (Jibrili), ukazumgumza na watu (maneno ya nafuu) katika utot (wako) na katika utuuzima (wako). Na (kumbuka) nilipokufundisha kuandika na (nikakupa) hikima, Torati na Injili na ulipotengeneza kwa undongo sura za ndege kwa odhini yangu, na ulipo waponesha vipofu na wenye mbalanga kwa ihini yangu, na ulipowatoa (baadhi ya) wafu (makaburi mwao) kwa idhini yangu, na nilipokuzuilia wana wa Israeli (wasikudhuru) ulipowafikia kwa joha zilizo wazi; wale walio kufuru miongoni mwao wakasema: Haya si chochote ila ni uchawi dhahiri.
Waislamu wanasem huu ni ushahidi wakutosha kwani Allah anasema Isa alifanya miujuza mingi hii.
Isa aliponyesha vipovu ndiye…..Yesu aliponyesha vipovu Mk 10:46-52
Aliwafufua wafu makaburi ndiye……. Yesu alifufua mwau Mk 5:21-43
Aliwaponyesha wenye mbalanga ndiye…Yesu aliponya Ukima -Lk 17:1
Wahadhiri wa kiislamu wanasema kama vile Qurani invyosimulia kuwa Isa amefanya miujiza mingi, ndiyo Biblia inavyofundisha hivyo Yesu ndiye Isa isitoshe wanasema hive: - Isa ibin Maryamu ni Nabii, Suratul 4:171, kadhalika Biblia inafundisha kuwa Yesu ni Nabii, Yohana 6:14, Yohan 7:40, Luka 13:33; 24:19, Marko 6:4, na Mathayo 13:57. Kwa wastani Biblia inafundisha uwa Yesu ni Nabii mare 12. Vile vile wahadhiri wa Kiislamu wanafundicha y kwamba Isa ni Neno la Kiarabu, katika kiingreza Jesus na kwa Kiswahili ni Yesu. Kupitia vigezo hivi baadhi ya Wakristo wameshawishika kuamini kuwa Isa ndiye Yesu. Lakini, lazima tuzichunguze hizi hoja moja baada ya nyingine ili tujue ukweli.
2. Je, Mama wa Isa ndiye wa Yesu Kristo
Hapo awali tumeona kuwa mama wa Isa anaitwa Maryamu, Surah 3:45 na pia mama wa Yesu anaitwa Mariamu Mathayo 1: 18-21, Marko 6: 3-4 lakini kufanana kwa majina hakuwezi kamwe kumaanisha kuwa ni mtu mmoja, kwani walio na jina hilo ni wengi. Biblia inatufundisha hivi.
Yohana 19:25 – Na penye Msalaba wake Yesu walikuwa wamesimama, Mamaye, na ubu la mamaye Mariamu wa Klopa na Mariamu Magdalena.
Hapa tunaona Mariamu watatu. Ili kutambua tofauti baina ya Mariamu mama wa Isa na mama wa Yesu, lazima tulinganishe ujumbe wa Qurani na Biblia. Qurani inasimulia kuhusu baba na kaka wa Mariamu mama wa Isa hivi.
Suratul 66:12 – Na Maryamu motto wa Imrani aliyejihifadhi nafsi yake na tukampuliza humor oho yetu, (inayotokana na sisi) na akayasadikisha maneno ya mola wake, na vitabu vyake; na alikuwa miongoni mwa wanyenyekevu (wakubwa).
Surah 19:28 – Ewe dada yake Haruni. Baba yako hakuwa mtu mbaya. Wala mama yako hakuwa hasharati.
Hapa tunaona kuwa Maryamu mama wa Isa, baba yake ni Imrani na kaka yake aliitwa Haruni. Tusomapo Biblia inatueleza kuwa Amrani aliwazaa hawa:-
Hesabu 26:59 – Na jina la mke wa Amramu aliitwa Yokebedi binti wa Lawi, ambaye alizaliwa kwake Lawi huko Misri; na huyo Yokebedi akamzalia Amram Haruni, na Musa, na Miriamu umbu lao.
Pia soma 1 Nyakati 6: 1-3 na Kutoka 6:20.
Huyo Amrani aliishi miaka mingi kabla ya Yesu na, tena ametokana na kizazi cha Lawi motto wa watu wa mzee Yakobo. Mwanzo 29:34; Kutoka2:1-10
Ikiwa Mariamu wa Qurani baba yake ni Imrani basi atakuwa ameishi miaka 1 500 kabla mama yake Yesu hajazaliwa!
Je, Mariamu mama wa Yesu ametokana na kizazi gani?
Tunaposoma Biblia tunaona kwamba Yesu anaitwa mwana wa Daudi Mathayo 1:1; Marko 10:47 na Luka 1:27, 32, ndiyo maana pia Yesu anaitwa Simba wa Yuda Ufunuo 5:5. Hivyo basi ukoo aliyetoka Yusufu na Mariamu wa Yesu ni mmoja.
3. Maana ya jina Isa
Ni jambo la kawaida sana jina au majina kuwa na maan. Mfano majina haya y kiarabu yana maana hizi: Muhammad, linamaanisha mwenye kushukuriwa, Abdalla ni Mtumwa wa Allah; Abu-Bakar maana yake ni Baba wa bikira; Abu Huraira ni baba wa Mapaka. Aidha majina ya Kiebrania nayo pie yana maana. Malaki ni mtumishi au Mjumbe wa Yehova, Isaya ni Wokovu wa Yehova; Ezekiel inamaanisha Mungu hutia nguvu, Daniel – Mungu ni hakimu wangu.
Jina Isa maana yake ni hii
Katika Qurani yenye jumla ya juzuu 30; Surah 114; aya 6236; maneno yenye kutamkia 76,440; herufi 322,373; jina Isa linatamkwa lisa au Aysi limetajwa mara 25. Isa pia ameitwa masihi mara 93. Lakini tunaposoma Qurani iliofarsiriwa na Imam Baidawi vol 1ukurasa 160 ameeleza kuwa Isa jina la Kiarabu maana yake ni Wekundu unaozidiana na weupe.
4. Maana ya jina Yesu
JINA Yesu lintokana na lugha ya Kiebrania ‘Yehoshua’ katika lugha ya Kigiriki wanasema ‘lesous’ inatamka ‘Yesous’ yaani Yesu. Katika lugha ya Kiarabu wanasema ‘Yasu’, kwa kiingereza ni “Jesus” maana yake ‘Bwana anaokoa au Bwana ni Mwokozi’ Isaya 43:6, 10-11. Katika Biblia ambayo in jumla ya Sura 1189; aya 31,102; vitabu 66 – Agano la kale vitabu 39 na agano Jipya vitabu 27; neon Mwokozi kiiengereza wanasema ‘Saviour’ limetajwa mara 55. Ikumbukwe kwamba katika agano jiypa jina Yesu au Yehoshua (kwa kiebrania) limetajwa mara 1275 katika aya zipatazo 1226. Zingatia pia kuwa agano jipya lina jumla ya aya 7930 na sura 260 hivyo hapa tunaona jina Yesu maana yake ni Mwokozi na jina Isa ni wekundu uliozidiana na weupe. Kwa kuwa maana ya haya majina tofauti bila shaka Isa sio Bwana Yesu.
5. Je, kuzaliwa kwa Bwana Yesu ni sawa na Isa?
1. Taarfa za Malaika kabla ya kuzaliwa kwao, kadiri ya Qurani na Biblia.
Jibrili alivyomtokea Mama wa Isa Gabrieli alivyomtokea mama wa Yesu
-Alienda kwa Mariamu aliyekuwa msikitini Qurani 19:16-17
-Alienda kwa Mariamu aliyekuwa nyumbani kwake - Lk 1:26-28
-Mariamu mama wa Isa haijulikani aliishi kijiji kipi wala mji gani wala hata nchi haijulikani. Isitoshe Qurani inasema kuwa Jibril ndiye aliyemletea utume Muhammad asiwapelekee Mayahudi (hana kosa) Sura 2:97
-Lakini Mariamu mama yake Yesu alitokewa na malaika Gabriel akiwa katika kijiji cha Nazareti mji wa Galilaya nchi ya Israeli (Lk 1:26) Mariamu mama wa Yesu ni Myahudi.
-Jibrili hakutoa salamu kwa Mariamu mama wa Isa ila alijimithilisha kwa umbo la binadamu aliye kamili - Sura 19-17
Malaika Gabrieli alimsalimia Mariamu Mama wa Yesu – Luka 1:28
-Jibril alimwambia Mariamu kwamba mimi ni mjumbe wa mola wako ili nikupe mwana mtakatifu - Sura 19-19
-Lakini malaika Gabrieli alimwambia mama wa Yesu kuwa utachukua mimba – Luka1: 31
S-Jibrili alisema kwa Mariamu kuwa ili tumfanye motto muujiza kwa wanadamu – Sura 19: 21. Isitoshe Jibrili hakutaja jina la mwana kwa Mariamu. Bali alisema ili nikupe mwana mtakatifu.
-Malaika Gabrieli alisema kwa Mariamu mama ya Yesu kuwa motto jina lake utamwita Yesu (Luka 1:31; 2:21) Gabrieli hakusema kuwa atampa mwana Mariamu. Bali alisema, Roho mtakatifu atakujilia juu yako, yaani motto atazaliwa kwa uwezo wa Mungu.
2. Tofauti ya kuzaliwa Isa na Yesu ni hii
Isa Ibn Mariam Yesu Kristo
-Isa alizaliwa katika shina la mtemde – 19:23
-Yesu kazaliwa katika hori la kulishia ng’ombe. Luka 2:7
-Kuzaliwa kwa Isa haijulikani mimba ya mama yake ilichukua muda gani maana malaika Jibrili alisema nikupe mwana mtakatifu mara akachukua mimba na kuzaa. (19: 22-23)
-Lakini Mariamu mama wa Yesu siku zake za kuzaa zilitimia. (Luka 2:6-7)
-Qurani haionyeshi kama Isa alitabiriwa na manabii kuwa atazaliwa
-Lakini Biblia inatuthibitishia kuwa manabii walitabili kuzaliwa kwa Yesu, (Isaya 7: 14; 9:6) utabili huu ulitolewa na Nabii Isaya miaka 750 kabla ya Yesu kuja kuzaliwa nao ulitimia (Mathayo 1:18-23)
-Isa haijulikani alizaliwa katika kijiji gani wala mji, wala nchi aliyozaliwa Qurani haikueleza.
-Biblia inatujulisha kuwa Yesu alizaliwa Bethelehemu ya Uyahudi katika Mji wa Daudi umbali wa maili 5 toka kusini mwa Yerusalemu nchi ya Israeli (Lk 2:8-16). Kuzaliwa kwake mahali hapo pia ni kutimiza unabii uliotolewa na nabii Mika miaka 750-686 kabla ya kristo kuja wakati wa wafalme hawa wakitawala – Jotham, Ahaz na Hezekia wafalme wa Yuda. Yesu mwenyewe alizaliwa kama mwaka wa 4 wakati wa Mfalme Herode.
-Isa aliongea na watu akiwa mototo mchanga, na kusema kuwa yeye ni mja wa Mungu amepewa kitabu na amefanywa Nabii (Sura 19:30-33) -Yesu hakuongea na mtu akiwa mototo mchanga. Alianza kuwauliza maswali na kutoa majibu akiwa na wazee Hekaluni akiwa na miaka 12. (Luka 2: 42-49)
Hivyo tunaona kwamba tuna tofauti nyingi tu kati ya Bwana Yesu na Isa. Swali kwako mfuatiliaji je, Isa bin Maryamu ndiye Bwana Yesu Mwokozi? Tafakari.
6. Je, Isa bin Mariamu ni mwana wa Mungu?
Kama kuna jambo ambalo Allah Mungu anayeabudiwa na waislamu analitataa sana kupitia Qurani basi jambo hilo si linguine bali ni uwana wa Mungu. Allah ansema hivi.
Sura 6:101 – Yeye ndiye mwumba wa mbingu na ardhi, inamkinikaje awe na mwana, hali hana mke? Naye ndiye aliye umba kila kitu (sio baadhi yake kavizaa). Naye ni mjuzi wa kila kitu.
Quran 9:30 – Na mayahudi wanasema ‘uzeri ni mwana wa Mwenyezi Mungu’ na ‘wakristo wanasema Masihi ni mwana wa Mwenyezi Mungu’ haya ndiyo wasemayo kwa vinywa vyao (pasina kuyapima).Wanayaiga maneno ya wale walilkufuru kabla yao, Mwenyezi Mungu awaangamize. Wanageuzwa namna gani hawa?
Hili ni agizo la kutisha kwamba Wakristo na Wayahudi tuangamizwe kwa kuwa tunaamini Mungu ana Mwana, au wana, lakini Wakristo tunaoamini hivyo kwa sababu Mungu wetu:-
- Yehova alifundisha kuhusu Bwana Yesu hivi: Kutoka 4:22…Israeli ni mwanangu mimi……Mathayo 17:5……Huyu ni mwanangu mpendwa wangu….
- Malaika wa Mungu alisem hivi.
Luka 1:30-31, 35 – Malaika akamwambia usiogope Mariamu, kwa maana umepata neema kwa Mungu. Tazama utachukua mimba na kuzaa motto mwanamume; na jina lake utmwita Yesu. Malaika akajibu akamwambia, Roho Mtakatifu atakujilia juu yako, na nguvu zake Aliye juu zitakufunika kama kuvuli; kwa sababu hiyo hicho kitakachozaliwa kitaitwa kitakatifu Mwana wa Mungu.
Hiyow Isa siyo Mwana wa Mungu lakini Yesu ni mwana wa Mungu. Kwa hivyo Yesu siyo Isa.

Why Does God Need a Birthday? (The Surprising Significance of December 25th)

It’s that time of year again, when we’ve launched full-fledged into the spirit of Christmas, which sounds noble but usually ends up being a gluttony of consumerism. You’ve also got the upstart “War on Christmas,” which is fought from many sides and especially from Muslims and SDAs. The former appear to have borrowed many of there polemics from the later who argue that Christmas shouldn’t be celebrated at all because of its pagan origins. In short, the most celebrated holiday in our calendar is ripe with controversy.
While no one (including myself) can solve all the controversies surrounding Christmas, I’d like to throw one theory into the melting pot of why Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. Here’s the classical December-25th-Is-Pagan argument, as exquisitely told by popular theologian and pastor John MacArthur:
The decision to celebrate Christmas on December 25 was made sometime during the fourth century by church bishops in Rome. They had a specific reason for doing so.
Having turned long ago from worshiping the one true God and creator of all things, many early cultures in the Roman empire had fallen into sun worship. Recognizing their dependence on the sun’s yearly course in the heavens, they held feasts around the winter solstice in December when the days are shortest. As part of their festivals, they built bonfires to give the sun god strength and bring him back to life again. When it became apparent that the days were growing longer, there would be great rejoicing.
The church leaders in Rome decided to celebrate Christ’s birth during the winter solstice in an attempt to Christianize these popular pagan celebrations. For the most part their efforts failed to make the people conform, and the heathen festivities continued. Today we find ourselves left with a bizarre marriage of pagan and Christian elements that characterizes our modern celebration of Christmas.
The link between the celebration of Christmas on the winter solstice in December and the ancient pagan celebration of Saturnalia at the same time is undeniable. What’s up for debate is the intention behind why the church leaders chose that holiday. MacArthur sees it as early proof of the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. Coming from a strident evangelical Protestant background, that perspective is not surprising.
And while I believe there very well may have been some pagan influence and early syncretism by the early Catholic church leaders, another explanation with far less sinister implications might have been at play.
If you look back at some of the earliest church controversies, they did not surround predestination, homosexuality or women in ministry. The Bible in its final canonical form hadn’t been finalized yet so the inerrancy of Scripture wasn’t even up for discussion. And yet there was a major theological controversy surrounding the nature and divinity of Jesus. Because ancient Greek thought held that all matter was evil, it strained the capacities of many to think that Jesus could have actually come in the flesh and yet remained sinless. Docetism is an example of a theological heresy that denied the full humanity of Jesus in the first centuries of the church.
To combat these heresies, the Council at Nicea (325 AD) and the Council at Constantinople (381) reaffirmed the full divinity and humanity of Jesus, and that view still reigns today. We hold that Jesus was fully God and fully human. So how could the church popularize and spread this very orthodox view of Jesus? In the face of cultural opposition, how could they help people remember and celebrate the humanity (not just the divinity) of Jesus? Give God a birthday. What better way to emphasize the humanity of Jesus than to celebrate his human birth? Since the biblical accounts never specify a date for Jesus’ birth, that was up for grabs, which could very easily explain the attempt to co-opt (or some could say redeem) an already popular celebration and utilize it to point people to Jesus.
So yes, Christmas on December 25th has its origins in ancient pagan traditions, but it might not be as bad as you think. Whenever and however you celebrate the humanity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, do so in a way that gives glory to God. (adapted from patheos evangelical)

Thursday 2 May 2019

Godly Sincerity Concerning God's Word:

For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ. (2 Corinthians 2:17)

Godly sincerity concerning God's word is another characteristic with which the Lord desires to mark us by His grace. "For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity…we speak." Themanner in which we relate to the word of God is a high priority to our Lord. In the early church, some were already relating wrongly to God's word: "peddling the word of God." They were using the Scriptures for self-gain.

The Bible warns us about the temptations people face concerning inappropriate uses of the word. "There are many insubordinate, both idle talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole households, teaching things which they ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain" (Titus 1:10-11). Titus was warned of many in the church world who were rebelling against the message of God's word. They were into the meaningless chatter and religious deception that came from the legalists, who loved to coerce people by means of the law. It was necessary that these men be silenced with the truth, because they were undermining the spiritual well-being of entire families. They were teaching things that were biblically unacceptable. Their motivation was the financial advantage they could acquire by peddling deceptions. So many today are tempted to go after the material gain that can be obtained from those who will embrace religious schemes.

Paul also warned about others who would be motivated by the power and influence that a cleverly distorted message might produce. "For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves" (Acts 20:29-30). True disciples follow the Lord Jesus. Furthermore, a true disciple wants to assist others in their quest to follow Jesus. These deceivers wanted others to follow them. This threat would be two-fold. Ruthless unbelievers would "come in" from outside the church. Also, "from among yourselves," men with an adulterated message would arise inside the church.

Godly sincerity is to characterize our treatment of the Scriptures. We are to proclaim the truth. "But as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ." We are to proclaim the biblical message that is from God, and do it in genuineness, knowing our God is watching.

Lord, I do not want to be careless in message or dishonest in motives concerning Your word. Mark me with godly sincerity regarding the Bible, in Jesus' name, Amen. -Bob Hoekstra

Friday 19 April 2019

Is Jesus Alive? #YesuWangu #YesuNdiyeNjia

Psalm 22 was written centuries before Jesus was born. Some critics say that it can’t refer to Jesus. Here are 6 clear reasons why Psalm 22 can’t possibly describe anyone else but Jesus of Nazareth.
 “Psalm 22 isn’t about Jesus at all! Mark was familiar with the Psalm and deliberately fabricated stories about the mocking of the crowds and the distribution of his clothes. Not only that, Christians translators came in and changed the wording of one of the passages to make it say that the sufferer’s feet and hands were pierced. Plus, the Psalm was written by David or some other Jewish sufferer about their own suffering. Christians are just projecting Jesus backward into the Psalm to fit their own narrative. And there’s nothing about the resurrection in Psalm 22. Isn’t that the punchline of the whole story?”
That’s the skeptical interpretation of Psalm 22 in a nutshell. To that, I’d respond “oh…really?” I don’t think these objections carry much weight. In Luke, Jesus says “Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms.” And I don’t think Jesus gets any more vividly portrayed in the Psalms than in Psalm 22, likely written a thousand years before he came on the scene.
Here are six different ways Jesus fits Psalms 22:
1. Jesus quoted Psalm 22:1 on the cross, loudly enough for the crowd to hear him. From a medical perspective, breathing while being crucified is incredibly painful. The weight of the body pulls down on the diaphragm and the air moves into the lungs and stays there. In order to exhale, the crucified must push themselves upon nailed feet (ouch) to breathe out. Speaking loudly, therefore, would be horribly painful. Jesus cries out “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”. Mark and Matthew both record this. I don’t think they would have ever made up a story like this, because it’s rather difficult to explain to a non-Christian audience why Jesus would say such a thing. After all, don’t Christians believe that Jesus is God? How is God forsaking God?
There are two plausible explanations for this: For one, Christians believe that Jesus was bearing our sin and the judgment we deserve on the cross.  He was taking our godforsaken condition so that we could have forgiveness and access to God. (2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 10:10-19) Secondly, Jesus said this loud enough for the crowd to hear because he wanted to make it clear the Psalm applied to him. He wanted them to draw on their memories of the Psalm in order to make an obvious parallel.
2. Psalm 22:6-8 “But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by the people. All who see me mock me; they make mouths at me; they wag their heads; “He trusts in the Lord; let him deliver him; let him rescue him, for he delights in him!”
If this Psalm applies to David, we know there was a time he was chased by Saul and then later his own son. At times he was despised.
If this applies to Jesus, him being scorned and despised would apply as well. Deuteronomy 21:23 says “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree”. A Messiah that is cursed by God would be like a married bachelor or a squared circle in the minds of many Jews.
Mark 15:29-30 says the crowd scorned and mocked him: “And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads and saying, “Aha! You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself, and come down from the cross!” Matthew also writes: “He trusts in God; let God deliver him now if he desires him. For he said, ‘I am the Son of God.’” (Matthew 27:43)
The charge against the gospel writers is that they added these details into the narratives to make it look more like Jesus was fulfilling scripture. But this just seems to be arguing in a circle. If prophecy isn’t possible, then, of course, these details have to be made up. But starting with that assumption just begs the question. Critics need to do better than reject these accounts because they fit the prophecy.
These details fit very plausibly into the narrative. Jesus was referring to the temple of his body, and his critics twisted it into him sounding like a terrorist. (John 2:19-21) He was accused of blasphemy because he said he was the divine Son of Man. (Mark 14:61-62, Daniel 7:13-14). To make these claims and then get crucified would invite some serious derision and scorn. Moreover, there are good reasons to believe that the gospels are based on eyewitness testimony.
3. Psalm 22:14-15: “I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax; it is melted within my breast; my strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws; you lay me in the dust of death.”
Here the “David theory” totally breaks down. While the Psalmists are given to hyperbole, it takes a real stretch of the imagination to see the Psalmist applying this to his own sufferings and living to sing about it.
“I am poured out like water” – This is certainly one way to describe someone bleeding out.
“All my bones are out of joint” – In the crucifixion, physicians tell us that one’s full weight pulls down on their nailed wrists and both their shoulders and elbows dislocate. In this position, the victim’s arms stretch to a minimum of 6 inches longer than their original length.
“My heart is like wax, it is melted within my breast” This could be metaphorical for the Psalmists’ emotions, but given the context of physical suffering it’s unlikely. Here’s one medical doctor’s description of what happens to the human heart of someone who has been crucified:
“The difficulty surrounding exhalation leads to a slow form of suffocation. Carbon dioxide builds up in the blood, resulting in a high level of carbonic acid in the blood. The body responds instinctively, triggering the desire to breathe. At the same time, the heart beats faster to circulate available oxygen. The decreased oxygen (due to the difficulty in exhaling) causes damage to the tissues and the capillaries begin leaking watery fluid from the blood into the tissues. This results in a build-up of fluid around the heart (pericardial effusion) and lungs (pleural effusion). The collapsing lungs, failing heart, dehydration, and the inability to get sufficient oxygen to the tissues essentially suffocate the victim. The decreased oxygen also damages the heart itself (myocardial infarction) which leads to cardiac arrest. In severe cases of cardiac stress, the heart can even burst, a process known as cardiac rupture. Jesus most likely died of a heart attack.”
My strength is dried up…my tongue sticks to my jaws” – Medical science tells us that with great blood loss one’s thirst increases greatly.  Drinking water increases blood volume.
“you lay me in the dust of death” – All of these verses sound like someone who is in great physical agony. They’re knocking on death’s door, not merely just having a really rough day. This doesn’t really fit David at all.
4. Psalm 22:16: “For dogs encompass me; a company of evildoers encircles me; they have pierced my hands and feet”. Now here we have some controversy. The charge is made that Christians changed a few letters in the Hebrew text to make it read “they pierced my hands and feet.” The Complete Jewish Bible reads “like a lion [at] my hands and feet”. I’m not going to spend a ton of time here because I think the debate over this passage makes a mountain out of a molehill.
For starters, the New Testament writers never quote this verse. Secondly, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Greek Septuagint were both written before Jesus, and they both contain the word for pierced, or more accurately, bore through. And even if the original wording is “like a lion at my hands and feet”, what follows exactly? The writer talks about the sufferer surrounded by fierce beasts, a metaphor for human enemies who are acting like savage animals. Look at verse 13: “they open wide their mouths at me, like a ravening and roaring lion.” Hungry lions attacking the hands and feet of their victim still describes something that sounds an awful lot like being nailed to a cross.
5. Psalm 22:18: “they divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.” The psalmist says this to show how close he is to death. His enemies are expecting his death so much that they’ve already divided his clothes among themselves. All four gospels describe this event. John ratchets it up a notch by describing it as a fulfillment of Scripture (John 19:23–24, Matthew 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:34).
In Justinian’s Digest 48.20.2, 6  (Rome’s civil law) we discover that clothes and other items of small value that a prisoner had on him were forfeit to his executioner or executioner’s assistants. This external evidence increases the plausibility of this story. John tells us that Jesus’ garment “was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom.” A seamless coat in these times wasn’t like a t-shirt from Walmart, we’re talking about an expensive garment.  It is no wonder his executioners didn’t want to tear it apart but gamble for it. (John 19:24) You might ask “where did Jesus get such a flashy coat?” I don’t know. Someone spent a year’s worth of salary to buy some perfume just for his feet. (Mark 14:3) He had financial supporters. (Luke 8:1-3) It’s not hard to imagine someone buying him a nice robe.
6. Psalm 22:21-31: “You have rescued me from the horns of the wild oxen! I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation, I will praise you: You who fear the Lord, praise him! All you offspring of Jacob, glorify him and stand in awe of him, all you offspring of Israel! For he has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted, and he has not hidden his face from him but has heard, when he cried to him. From you comes my praise in the great congregation; my vows I will perform before those who fear him. The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek him shall praise the Lord! May your hearts live forever! All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations. All the prosperous of the earth eat and worship; before him shall bow all who go down to the dust, even the one who could not keep himself alive. Posterity shall serve him; it shall be told of the Lord to the coming generation; they shall come and proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn, that he has done it.”
Here’s a complaint from an atheist blogger regarding Psalm 22: “the biggest problem with shoehorning of Psalm 22 into the gospel story is that there’s no reference to the resurrection! How can this be the story of the sacrifice of Jesus without the punch line?”  Huh? One has to wonder if he read the whole Psalm or just stopped at verse 20! Look what’s happening here:
1. The Psalmist apparently dies or is dying but is rescued.
2. He says that all of the offspring of Jacob should stand in awe of the deliverance that happened.
3. All the ends of the earth (the Gentiles) will remember this deliverance and turn to the Lord!
4. Future generations are told of this deliverance.
Psalm 22 can only describe Jesus
In light of these apparent facts, how can anyone rationally believe that David is simply talking about himself?
Let’s just do a simple recap here:
 Jesus cried out “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me”, applying the Psalm to himself. (Psalm 22:1)
 He was publicly displayed as a failure, openly scorned and mocked. (Psalm 22:6-8)
 He was poured out like water. (Psalm 22:14-15)
 His bones were disjointed.
 His heart “melted like wax” on the cross.
 He suffered extreme exhaustion and thirst.
 His hands and feet were pierced. (Psalm 22:16)
 His executioners gambled over his garments. (Psalm 22:18)
 His deliverance from death led to the conversion of many Gentiles and future generations. (Psalm 22:27-31)
Who else but Jesus could this passage describe?
By Erik Manning  a former atheist turned Christian after an experience with the Holy Spirit. He is passionate about the intersection of evangelism and apologetics.

Wednesday 17 April 2019

The Cross: Where Judgment And Mercy Meet #YesuNdiyeNjia

1Thessalonians 5:9

Jesus’ sinless life and death on the cross are where judgment and mercy meet.
The Judgment
“God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess 15:9).

The Apostle Paul writes about those who are practicing evil deeds which is only serving to store up more wrath against the Day of Judgment (Rom 2:5), so there will be a day when God “will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury” (Rom 2:6-8). For those who have been brought to repentance and faith in Christ, they can rejoice because it is “Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come” (1 Thess 1:10). This means that “God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess 15:9). Notice that God has not appointed us who trust in Christ to His wrath; a wrath that will come upon all who reject the truth that Jesus is Lord and Savior and they are sinners in need of saving. It is only those who are self-seeking and not seeking after Jesus Christ and His righteousness (Matt 6:33) that will receive what they have sown in this life. The judgment of God will only be stopped by the work of Christ on the cross, but you must humble yourself and confess your sins before God and put your trust in Christ. That is the point when the wrath of God will “pass over” you, but as the Scriptures teach, “for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury” (Rom 2:6-8).


The thief on the cross trusted in Jesus very late in his life. He never had a chance to go to attend synagogue, do any good deeds, or have anything to offer to God. Even so, Jesus promised him that that he would be with Him in Paradise (Luke 23:43), but in all honesty, all of us are the thief on the cross. We might have trusted in Christ years ago, but we were all just as in need of God’s mercy as the thief was. The Apostle Paul levels the playing field in that we’re all cut off from God and fallen infinitely short of His glory (Rom 3:23). The foot of the cross is level ground where every single person stands at the same level. God makes no distinction between us (Acts 15:7-9) because of Christ, but also makes no distinction between those who naturally sin less and those who naturally (or desire to) sin more. We’ve all earned the wages of death, but thank God through our Lord Jesus Christ, that He also offers eternal life (Rom 6:23), so it takes only one sin to condemn us, but only One to set us free (John 8:36).

Dying for Enemies

The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 5:6-8 that “while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person— (like the Thief on the Cross)though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die (like Abraham or Moses)— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” What greater mercy is there than to have a Holy God (Jesus) die for wicked sinners? Jesus told the disciples, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Even as those who crucified Him watched, He prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:43). I remember where Jesus taught us, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you” (Luke 6:27-28). He also testified, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). It is abundantly clear from Scripture that “God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). That’s where God’s judgment on sin landed; Jesus Christ, but that’s also where God’s mercy was revealed,“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for man”(Mark 10:45). No one took it from Him…He willingly laid it down (John 10:18).


Jude writes about witnessing in two different ways. We should “have mercy on those who doubt” (Jude 1:22), and many do doubt. Some doubt that God could possibly save them. They think they’ve done too much, and can’t come as they are. They often wait until they can clean their lives up, but that will never happen until they come to Christ. It’s not trying to get holy and then come to Jesus, but it’s coming to Jesus and being accounted as holy before God (2 Cor 5:21). Then Jude tells us to “save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh” (Jude 1:23). Listen to the caring compassion that Jesus has. It says, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matt 9:36). Do we have such a heart for the lost? Are we willing to leave the 99 and seek the one that is lost? If not us, then who? Paul may have put it best by telling us to “be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Eph 5:1-2). This life gives us opportunity to show the world who Jesus’ disciples are (John 13:34-35). We don’t retaliate or “get even,” but rather, as Jesus said, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you” (Luke 6:27-28).  These verses were worth repeating!


Humans may have many definitions of love, but the Bible tells us what love really is, and it is a verb…it is what you do, and for us who believe, it is what Jesus did. Love is not a greeting card, a love letter, or a big kiss. Those are byproducts of love, but they are not love in themselves. Love is displayed in action. Jesus lived a sinless life, gave His life as a sacrifice for us to receive eternal life, then offered the free gift of eternal life (Eph 2:8-9). And even though we were dead in our sins (Eph 2:1-7), being ungodly, wicked enemies of God, Jesus died for us (Rom 5:6-10)! Believers have grasped where the judgment of God stopped and the mercy of God started, and it was at the cross. There is no greater love possible than for Jesus Himself to die for unworthy sinners. Here’s why grace is such an amazing thing. He did not give us what we deserved (His wrath); He gave us what we needed (His mercy). 
#JackWellan #PatheosEvangelical