Wednesday 7 October 2015


 - Via Tony Mikhaiel
Old Testament violence is limited to a specific purpose & time. It is not open ended, & not used to spread the Jewish faith.
God Himself punished many evil nations. For example, God waited 400 years for the Canaanites tribes to repent & stop being so evil but they didn't. Than God used the Jewish armies to "drive them out of the lands" ( not genocide as most people who like to belittle God say).
Every instance has its reasons & limitations. Nothing is open-ended & cannot apply now.
You must simply look at each instance in detail & study it's apologetics. Never generalize. That's what the infidels who think they found error in the Bible say.
But the quranic violent verses are open ended. They apply all the time for Muslims.
In fact, the violent verses, cancel out the earlier peaceful verses.
As proof, study early Islamic history. Soon after Muhammad died, his early followers started invading christian lands & occupying them. Soon they took over all of the christian Middle East & Spain.
Christians were forced to arabize & islamize & paid the jizya tax for protection & kept under humiliation.
Christians under Islamic rule lost their native languages (ever wonder why Egyptians don't speak Egyptian??) & many were forced into Islam.
Even today, violence & discrimination continues in one way or another against Christians in the Middle East.
Big difference between the two!

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