Monday 23 September 2013


Speaking out for the truth
A very fascinating, recent development is the emergence of an increasing number of former Muslims that have turned their backs to Islam simply because of escaping the clutches of oppressive Islam by reading the Qur’an with an open mind, or reflecting on the testimonies of other apostates that are easily accessible on various web-pages today. The journey of several of these freethinkers is given in the book “Leaving Islam – Apostates Speak Out”, and makes fascinating reading. Ali Sina, a Persian apostate, describes why he left Islam. His “exit analysis” bears an amazing clarity:
“After reading the Koran, my perspective of reality was jolted. I found myself standing face-to face with the truth and I was scared to look at it. This was not what I was expecting to see. I had no one to blame, to curse and call a liar. I had found all those absurdities of the Koran and the inhumanities of its author by reading the Koran itself. I was shocked. Eventually this shock made me come to my senses and face the truth. Unfortunately, this is a very painful process and I do not believe there is an easy way. The followers of Muhammad must see the naked truth and they must be shocked. We cannot keep sugarcoating the truth. The truth is bitter and it must be swallowed; only then the process of enlightenment starts.
Even as a man I was shocked when I read that Muhammad instructed his followers to beat their wives and called women ‘deficient in intelligence.’ Yet I have come to know many Muslim women who have no difficulty accepting these derogatory statements uttered by their prophet.
Not that they like to be beaten, agree that they are deficient in intelligence, or believe that the majority of inhabitants of the hell are women, as the prophet used to say, but they simply block out that information. They read it, but it doesn’t sink in. They are in denial. The denial acts as a shield that covers them, that protects them, that saves them from facing the pain of shock and disillusionment. Once that shield is up, nothing can bring it down. It is no use to repeat to them the same things over and over. At this point they must be attacked from other directions. They must be bombarded with other shocking teachings of the Koran. They may have a weak spot for one of them, and one of those stupid teachings may shock them. That is all they need: a good shock. Shocks are painful, but sometimes they can be lifesavers. Shocks are used by doctors to bring back to life, clinically dead persons.
For the first time the Internet has changed the balance of power. Now the brutal force of guns, bombs, prisons, and death squads are helpless and the pen is almighty. For the first time Muslims cannot stop the truth by killing its messenger.
I believe when people learn about the unholy lifestyle of the Prophet and the absurdities of the Koran, they will be shocked. At first they will deny, but when they recover from denial, they will be on their way to enlightenment. Our job is to expose Islam; to write the truth about Muhammad’s unholy life, his shameful deeds, and his stupid assertions; and bombard the Muslims with facts. These people read what you write, they become angry with you, curse you, insult you, and tell you that after reading your articles their faith in Islam is strengthened. But that is when you know that you have sown the seed of doubt in their mind. They say all this to you because they are shocked. Now they have entered the state of denial. The seed of doubt is planted and it will wait for the first chance to germinate. In some people it takes years, but given the chance it will eventually germinate.”
These words were not penned by a confrontational missionary (thankfully!), and none of us would like to see a Muslim left in a limbo with no faith at all. Thank God, we have much more to offer through the Gospel than shock therapies! However, it makes us aware about the crucial process of setting people free from the lies of their old prejudices and beliefs, and introducing them to the “Prince of Truth” who in turn is the only access to the Father of Light giving us enlightenment that produces eternal hope. (Eric)

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